
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Healthy food for our bodies

What do you know about healthy foo? Eating healthy foods that contain carbohydrates, nutrients, fiber and substances for the development of our bodies. Besides healthy foo is in need for our bodies. Because if we do not consume a healthy diet we will be vulnerable to disease. At least the day we need to pay attention to foods that contain 4 healthy 5 perfect. Such as rice, vegetables, meat / fish, fruit and milk. Since the food contains energy sources, regulating substances and substances builder.

Definition of healthy eating are foods that menggandung nutrition, fiber and substances that are balanced to the development of our bodies. Foods that contain lots of fiber Cleaner yitu fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These foods contain carbohydrates, nutrients, vitamins and low in calories. Therefore our bodies require intake-intake can improve endurance.

Consider your diet everyday, whether it is sufficient for our body or not. If you do not immediately consume food that contains 4 healthy 5 perfect.

The benefit healthy diet is very important for our bodies is to reduce aging, brain development, growth and immune body and reduce the incidence of disease in our bodies.

• Things we need mengkonsimsi perhaikan in everyday foods are:

1. Feeding schedule to note on a regular basis
2. Familiarize breakfast
3. Eat foods that meet the needs of energy in your body
4. Limit consumption of excessive fat
5. Eat foods that contain iron source
6. Avoid alcoholic beverages
7. Make physical activity and regular exercise
8. Drink water sufficient for the needs of our bodies

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